This is a wonderfully simple yet very pretty DIY that I discovered on a blog I like -Honestly WTF
Here is my take on the idea, its dead easy but so effective!

What you'll need :1 satsuma
2-3 teaspoons Olive Oil
Knife or scalpal

1) Start by using the scalpal or knife and cutting just above the middle of the satsuma. Make sure you use the side with the green stem (green nobly bit) on, as the base as this is where the wick will be.

2) Your candle should now looks like this. I then used the scalpal to loosen the edges, and used a spoon to
scoop out the centre (Theres no waste if you enjoy eating satsumas)

3) At the bottom of the satsuma, there is enough pith which will act as your candle wick. Use a paper towel to lightly wipe away excess water and juice.

4) Now add a few drizzles of oilve oil, until the wick is almost, but not quite covered. You will now want to dip the wick into the oil for a few seconds which will make it easier to light.

And there you have it. A stunning glowing satsuma, made from natural ingredients. Remember never to leave candles unattended ! :)

I love the way the smoke moves in this picture.
Wow that's really cool - I'll definitely be trying that out!:)x