Just a few little snaps of the frogs that have been in and around the pond this summer! I still don't know/ ever will know if these are the frogs from my frog spawn last year, or new frogs that have found their way to my pond form other means, but anyhow - there are fully grown big frogs in my pond!!!! This excites me way to much i think, but I love knowing that i've managed to make an environment ( I built the pond and planted the trees and bushes around it two summers ago) that actually sustains frog and newt wildlife- I'm feeling pretty nerdy now but I cant express how chuffed I get when I find them hopping around.
I love this tree/plant that I planted near the pond. It has such a vibrant pink colour, and has literally tripled it's size since I first had it. It's also really good for bees as they like the pollen from the flowers, so bonus points for that too.
This is only a short post but I just like updating the ponds progress with you all, and how the froglets are getting along :)
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