Wednesday 8 February 2012

DIY Fridge magnets (Toy figurines part 1)

 If your anything like me, you're a collector. I love collecting plastic toys, bottle tops, bits of insects etc, you name it , ill probably have it stashed away somewhere. I particularly like children's plastic figurines (mainly insects and dinosaurs) and have a silly amount lying around at home. This D.I.Y (and another one i have been working on which I will post soon) are useful and fun ways to make use of these lovely objects.
 What you will need:
Super glue, or a glue gun
Scalpel or sharp tool e.g knife
Lots of plastic toys
 They look super cute and really make me giggle.
 1) Firstly you need to use your scalpel to slice through the middle of the toy. I know it's pretty pathetic, but I felt really mean doing this bit, I know it's just a toy but he was just so cute! Anyway, there are two types of toy that you could have a) It could be solid like this one which is harder to cut through but easier to stick the magnet to, or b) Hollow, easier to cut but harder to stick the magnet. If you get a hollow one, like the goat, you could try stuffing the hole with fabric or paper, and gluing it down to create a smooth surface to stick the magnet too.
 2) Next you need to stick the magnet to the back of the toy. This is obviously very simple, but make sure you stick the right side of the magnet down (The side with the indent) as one side is magnetic, and the other isn't, which I learnt by trial and error ;).
 And there you have it. One very easy and cool way to stick your letters or notes to your fridge :).
 I like this goats bum, and the dinosaurs face best!

1 comment:

  1. DIY Fridge magnets (Toy figurines part 1). If your anything like me, you're a collector. I love collecting plastic toys, bottle tops, bits of insects etc, ...
